Company Customized Training

We can tailor all training to your business/industry

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Aquatiq has extensive experience in arranging in-house courses for both businesses and authorities. We carry out everything from individual courses to larger training programs.

All our courses can be adapted to your company and, in addition to these, we have a number of other courses that can be adapted to your industry, process and needs.

Contact us and we can assist in finding a solution for your company.

Examples of themes:

  • Standards for food safety (BRC,FSSC 22000)
  • Practical allergen management / allergen calculator included
  • Root cause analysis /LEAN
  • Audit course / Supplier assessment / Gap analyses
  • Food fraud / food defense
  • Listeria and Listeria preparedness
  • Hygienic design
  • Microbiology at basic and advanced level, according to your needs
  • Microbiology for specific industries, e.g. the seafood industry
  • Sampling and durability tests adapted to business
  • HACCP adapted to your industry, company, process, roles and level
  • Cleaning adapted to the required levels

An in-company course is most appropriate when several people in the same business need similar skills. After completing the course, everyone will have approximately the same understanding and starting point in relation to the challenges the business is facing.

Such a solution is often more economical for businesses.

The course can be completed at or near the business, or online. Both solutions will reduce travel expenses.

We can offer a fixed price per course. This means that the course fee per participant is reduced in line with the increasing number of participants.

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... Alt i alt en bærekraftig løsning som vi kan anbefale på det varmeste!!

Ymbjørg Øwre

Improvement manager, TINE Meieriet Dovre


For more information

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Aquatiq Consult

Mariann Kirkerød

Managing Director